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学术报告:Gangfeng Ma博士系列报告
发布人: 港航院     发布时间: 2018-07-08     访问次数: 231


(1)9:00-10:00非静压模型NHWAVE的介绍: 模型方程及模型应用(Introduction to a nonhydrostatic wave model NHWAVE: model formulations and its applications)

(2)10:30-11:30 NHWAVE在滑坡诱发海啸波数值模拟中的应用(NHWAVE applications on landslide-induced tsunami wave generation)

报  告  人: Gangfeng Ma




Gangfeng Ma博士现任美国欧道明大学海岸工程学院副教授、海岸工程研究所主任。2003年和2006年分别获得同济大学土木工程学士和硕士学位,2012年获得美国特拉华州大学应用海岸研究中心博士学位。研究方向为:高精度河口海岸水动力泥沙数值模型的开发与应用, 海岸灾害以及海平面上升对近岸水工建筑物的影响。Ma博士目前已在国际重要学术期刊,例如 Coastal Engineering、Ocean Modelling、Ocean Engineering等发表论文35篇,被引总数874次;在国际会议上发表了12篇论文;目前为美国地球物理学会(AGU)会员、美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)会员、美国物理学会(APS)会员;担任Open Journal of Modelling and Simulation编委会成员,Climatic Change,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Geophysical Research – Ocean, Coastal Engineering等28家国际顶尖期刊审稿人;主持美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)等项目8项。

Dr. Gangfeng Ma is an associate professor and the director of Coastal Engineering Institute in the Department of Civil and Environmental engineering at Old Dominion University. He received his B.S. (2003) and M.S. (2006) degrees in civil engineering at Tongji University, China, and his Ph.D. (2012) degree in civil engineering from Center for Applied Coastal Research at University of Delaware, USA. His research focuses on development and application of high-fidelity numerical models to studying coastal and estuarine processes, coastal hazards as well as sea level rise impact on coastal infrastructure.


附件:Workshop abstract and Expert introduction.docx

附件:附件:Workshop abstract and Expert introduction.docx

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