序号 | 论文名称 | 作者 | 刊物名称 |
1 | Permeability Evolution Laws and Equations during the Course of Deformation and Failure of Brittle Rock | 王环玲、徐卫亚 | Journal of engineering mechanics |
2 | Assessing the global averaged sea-level budget from 2003 to 2010 | 李 娟、左军成、谭伟、杨逸秋 | Acta oceanologica sinica |
3 | Effects of perforated baffle on reducing sloshing in rectangular tank: Experimental and numerical study | 薛米安、林鹏智、郑金海、马玉祥、苑晓丽、Viet-Thanh Nguyen | China ocean engineering |
4 | Sea level rise along the East Asia and Chinese coasts and its role on the morphodynamic response of the Yangtze River Estuary | 周晓燕、郑金海 董东璟、 Demirbilek Zeki | Ocean engineering |
5 | Coastal evolution of Yancheng, northern Jiangsu, China since the mid-Holocene based on the Landsat MSS imagery | 郑 钧、李瑞杰、冯 青、陆莎莎 | Journal of geographical sciences |
6 | Vertical profiles of fluid velocity and suspended sediment concentration in nearshore | 康彦彦、夏 菲、丁贤荣、张长宽、陈李刚、葛小萍 | International journal of sediment research |
7 | Prediction of china's submerged coastal areas by sea level rise due to climate change | 左军成、杨逸秋、张建立、陈美香、徐 青 | Journal of ocean university of china |
8 | Numerical Modeling of Seabed Response to Combined Wave-Current Loading | 张继生、张 宇、张 弛、郑东生 | Journal of offshore mechanics and arctic engineering-transactions of the asme |
9 | Interannual sea level variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean from 1993 to 2006 | 陆 青、左军成、李艳芳、陈美香 | Global and planetary change |
10 | Disintegration of linear edge waves | 王 岗、阮曰清、郑金海、董国海、马小舟、马玉祥 | China ocean engineering |
11 | Predicting water content using linear spectral mixture model on soil spectra | 李 欢、张长宽、张 鹰、张 东、龚 政 | Journal of applied remote sensing |
12 | Surficial sediment distribution and the associated net sediment transport pattern in the Pearl River Estuary, South China | 张 蔚、郑金海、季小梅、 Hoitink, A. J. F.; van der Vegt, M.、诸裕良 | Continental shelf research |
13 | Wave spectra assimilation in typhoon wave modeling for the East China Sea (vol 69, pg 29, 2012) | 冯向波、郑金海、严以新 | Coastal engineering |
14 | Micromechanical modeling of mortar as a matrix-inclusion composite with drying effects | 陈 达、沈文强、邵建富、Yurtdas, I. | International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics |
15 | Capillary effect on water table fluctuations in unconfined aquifers | 孔 俊、沈成吉、辛 沛、宋志尧、李 凌、Barry, D. A.、Jeng, D. -S.、Stagnitti, F. | Water resources research |
16 | ZigBee Based Slope Wireless Monitoring Networks | 梁桂兰、周念东、徐卫亚、谈小龙、赵 博 | Disaster advances |
17 | Stability Assessment Model of High Rock Slope Based on ACPSO-PP | 梁桂兰、周念东、徐卫亚、赵 博、陈鸿杰 | Disaster advances |
18 | A New Iterative Method for Non-linear Equations and Its Application | 吴 腾、李秀霞、吴玲莉 | Applied mathematics & information sciences |
19 | Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Saltwater Intrusion Lengths in the Pearl River Delta, China | 张 蔚、冯浩川、郑金海 | Journal of coastal research |
20 | Effect of desiccation of marine environment on beam structure | 陈 达、王 娜、侯利军、廖迎娣 | China ocean engineering |
21 | A high-resolution method for the depth-integrated solute transport equation based on an unstructured mesh | 孔 俊、辛 沛、沈城吉、宋志尧、李 凌 | Environmental modelling & software |
22 | New Concept for Assessment of Tidal Current Energy in Jiangsu Coast, China | 张继生、王 骏、陶爱峰、郑金海、李 慧 | Advances in mechanical engineering |
23 | Comparison of Structural Properties between Monopile and Tripod Offshore Wind-Turbine Support Structures | 陈 达、黄 恺、Bretel, Valentin、侯利军 | Advances in mechanical engineering |
24 | Shallow Water Dissipation Processes for Wind Waves off the Mackenzie Delta | 徐福敏、William Perrie Steve Solomonc | Atmosphere-ocean |
25 | An Elastoplastic Damage Constitutive Model for Cementitious Materials under Wet-Dry Cyclic Sulfate Attack | 陈 达、杜 晨、冯兴国、欧阳锋 | Mathematical problems in engineering |
26 | Numerical experiments on transverse oscillations induced by normal-incident waves in a rectangular harbor of constant slope | 王 岗、郑金海、张继生、陶爱峰 | Ocean engineering |
27 | Extreme Waves and Wave Run-up in Halifax Harbour under Climate Change Scenarios | 徐福敏 | Atmosphere-ocean |
28 | A 2-D Suspended Sediment Transport Numerical Model with the Finite Volume Method | 孙大伟、冯卫兵 | Information-an international interdisciplinary journal |
29 | Beach profiles characteristics along Giao Thuy and Hai Hau coasts, Vietnam: A field study | Nguyen Viet Thanh、郑金海、张弛 | China ocean engineering |
30 | Process-Based Morphodynamic Modeling of a Schematized Mudflat Dominated by a Long-Shore Tidal Current at the Central Jiangsu Coast, China | 龚 政 | Journal of coastal research |
31 | Comprehensive Stability Analysis of High Rock Slope based on Safety Monitoring | 梁桂兰 | Disaster advances |
32 | Research on Internal Layout Optimization of Logistics Node under the Conditions of Complex Terrain Based on Computer Vision and Geographical Simulation System | 王 伟、封学军 | Abstract and applied analysis |
33 | Studies on affecting factors and mechanism of oily wastewater by wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation | 张文虎、汪德进、方若瑜、罗 锋 | Arabian journal of chemistry |
34 | Application of rouse equation in coastal engineering | 陈 橙、王义刚、黄惠明、曾琼佩、袁春光 | Applied mechanics and materials |
35 | Dynamic simulation of high-pile wharf slab under action of irregular waves | 欧阳锋、陈 方、黄海龙、庄 宁 | Applied mechanics and materials |
36 | Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of suspended sediment distribution in the lingding bay, south China | 张 蔚、王洪革 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
37 | Research on the modification of wave attenuation in flexible vegetation with SWAN-VEG | 曹海锦、冯卫兵、冯 曦 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
38 | Mechanisms for the evolution of double-convex cross-shore profile over accretional mudflats | 龚 政、张长宽、陶建峰、蔡 辉 | Shuikexue jinzhan/advances in water science |
39 | Numerical simulation of typhoon waves along the offshore China seas | 孔丛颖、曹宏生、潘锡山、张伟一 | Applied mechanics and materials |
40 | Analysis of the periodicity of annual extreme runoff at datong station, yangtze river, China | 吴玲莉、张 伟、吴 腾 | Applied mechanics and materials |
41 | Nonlinear finite element analysis of flexible berthing pier based on P-Y curves | 苏静波、朱义欢、吴 峰 | Applied mechanics and materials |
42 | Research progress of annular flume technology | 曹 坤、邵宇阳、童朝锋、蒋忠廉 | Applied mechanics and materials |
43 | Dynamic response analysis of docking chamber structure considering viscoelastic boundary condition | 陶桂兰、张 丽 | Applied mechanics and materials |
44 | Numerical study about damping effect of liquid damper on tall buildings | 朱 峰、耿 颖、朱卫华、鲁子爱 | Applied mechanics and materials |
45 | Response law and influencing factors of the soil under action of pile driving vibration based on Midas/GTS | 张 栋、苏静波 | Applied mechanics and materials |
46 | Nonlinear wave mathematical model and its application in permeable breakwater harbor | 曹宏生、潘锡山、李春辉、孔丛颖、张伟一 | Applied mechanics and materials |
47 | Assimilation of wave data for simulations of typhoon waves in the South China Sea | 时 键、童朝峰、严以新 | Applied mechanics and materials |
48 | Experimental study on the turbulent jet in regular and random waves | 徐振山、陈永平、张长宽、王娅娜 | Shuikexue jinzhan/advances in water science |
49 | The effect of cementation on the mechanical properties of muddy soil of east-south coastal area of China | 江朝华、巫 飞、王 涛、范 可 | Advanced materials research |
50 | Distribution patterns of suspended sediment in radial sand ridges area, South Yellow Sea, China | 黄惠明、王义刚、陈 橙 | Applied mechanics and materials |
51 | Simulation of the tide in the red sea and the gulf of aden | 杨逸秋、左军成、李 娟、孙 佳、谭 伟 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
52 | Wave-induced porous seabed response around pile-group foundations | 隋倜倜、郑金海、张 弛、张继生、王 岗 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
53 | Simulation of storm surge, wave in Chesapeake Bay during November 2009 Mid-Atlantic Noreaster | 孟艳秋、王亨利、邓亦程 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
54 | Satellite sar detection of hurricane helene (2006) | 徐 青、张国胜、程永存、鞠 连 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
55 | Observational study of morphodynamics of sandy beaches along the coast of tonggu hill, northeastern hainan island of China | 季小梅、张永战 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
56 | Experimental Researches on Hydro-Mechanical Properties of Altered Rock Under Confining Pressures | 王环玲、徐卫亚、邵建锋 | Rock mechanics and rock engineering |
57 | Theoretical analysis of transverse and longitudinal oscillations within a harbor of constant slope | 郑金海、徐龙辉、王 岗 | Gongcheng lixue/engineering mechanics |
58 | Permeability evolution laws and equations during the course of deformation and failure of brittle rock | 王环玲、徐卫亚 | Journal of engineering mechanics |
59 | Experimental investigations on expansion performance of alkali-aggregate reaction of mortar | 欧阳锋、陈 达、廖迎娣、江朝华 | Applied mechanics and materials |
60 | Experiment study on force of hoisting triangular gate of ship lock in tidal reach | 吴 腾、丁 坚、吴玲莉 | Applied mechanics and materials |
61 | Study on coastal environment impact assessment method for shore protection facilities | 蒋 勤、Fukuhama Masaya、张长宽 | Proceedings - 2013 5th conference on measuring technology and mechatronics automation, icmtma 2013 |
62 | Three-dimensional numerical analysis of tunnel structural stabilization in mined-out region | 庄 宁、王 松、叶万军 | Icptt 2012: better pipeline infrastructure for a better life - proceedings of the international conference on pipelines and trenchless technology 2012 |
63 | An approximation of the improved rouse equation | 陈 橙、宋志尧、王义刚 | Applied mechanics and materials |
64 | Experimental study of time effect of negative skin friction on pile | 黄 挺、龚维明、戴国亮、郑金海、徐国平 | Yantu lixue/rock and soil mechanics |
65 | Application of particle image velocimetry to model test of negative skin friction on pile | 黄 挺、戴国亮、龚维明、郑金海、徐国平 | Yantu lixue/rock and soil mechanics |
66 | Review on the exploitation approaches of tidal power | 郝嘉凌、李 慧、彭 冀、齐可仁 | Applied mechanics and materials |
67 | Study on wave characteristics in south coastal waters of Jiangsu under the influence of winter monsoon | 杨 斌、冯卫兵、张 俞、Shi Qi Lin | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
68 | Variation trend of discharges into sea from the Yangtze River | 刘嘉琦、龚 政、张长宽 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
69 | ENSO-related modulation of nearshore circulation near the Yangtze Estuary | 张雯艳、龚 政、张长宽、谭 伟 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
70 | Vertical structure of the tidal current in the taizhou bay adjacent sea | 左军成、石少华、张 敏、陆 青、李 娟 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
71 | Corrigendum to "Wave spectra assimilation in typhoon wave modeling for the East China Sea" [Coast. Eng. 69 (2012) 29-41] | 冯向波、郑金海、严以新 | Coastal engineering |
72 | AHP-based fuzzy evaluation system of municipal transportation efficiency | 张 珏、刘洪丽 | Applied mechanics and materials |
73 | Separation of wave setup from water level data of Sandyduck '97 experiment | 刘仕潮、黄 鹂 | Applied mechanics and materials |
74 | Numerical simulation of wave-current interaction using a RANS solver | 张继生、张 宇、郑东生、Liu, P.L.-F、张 弛 | Ocean engineering |
75 | Study on prediction model of saline intrusion in Pearl River Delta | 诸裕良、阎晓璐、 林晓瑜 | Shuili xuebao/journal of hydraulic engineering |
76 | Influence of rotational stiffness on the distribution of horizontal forces on all-vertical-pile-supported wharf structures | 陶桂兰、董思远 | Applied mechanics and materials |
77 | Experimental and application study of a new type high strength repairing mortar for hydraulic concrete | 吴 飞、江朝华、廖迎娣、侯利军 | Applied mechanics and materials |
78 | Simulating the storm surge of typhoon no.1210"damrey" and its characteristic analysis | 谭 亚、单治国,杨锋,邰佳爱 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
79 | Title tidal characteristics of the gulf of Mexico from a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model | 陈美香、李 娟、谭 伟、白如冰、徐 青 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
80 | Research on interval reversible inverse analysis method based on interval parameters | 苏静波、刘洪兵,赵会德、张 栋 | Advanced materials research |
81 | The application of GOCI data based remote sensing technology in the field of sediment reserch | 刘华锋、李瑞杰、潘锡山、莫 磊 | Applied mechanics and materials |
82 | Dynamic performance analysis of single tower self-anchored suspension bridge using measured modal identification | 马志国、李枝军、朱义欢、朱晓文 | Applied mechanics and materials |
83 | Water depth extraction in Minjiang Estuary using remotely sensed TM data | 马 疆、朱首贤、曾文华、张文静 | Advanced materials research |
84 | Numerical simulation of wave overtopping based on DualSPHysics | 倪兴也、冯卫兵 | Applied mechanics and materials |
85 | Combined physical and numerical modeling study of surge impact on structures | 梁秋华、Yamada, Fumihiko 、Tsujimoto, Gozo 、郑金海 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
86 | Estimation of design waves along jiangsu coasts | 谢冬梅、陈永平、张长宽 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
87 | Experimental investigation on the layered liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank | 薛米安、郑金海、林鹏智、马玉祥、苑晓丽 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
88 | Sediment siltation prediction for floating dock engineering in yangtze estuary | 郑金海、董晓伟、戴 鹏、吴 腾、王 震 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
89 | Research on soil deformation due to pile jacking in saturated soil | 王瑞彩、施建勇、朱 宁 | Applied mechanics and materials |
90 | An empirical correlation between unconfined compression strength and curing time for cement-soil | 廖迎娣、江潮华、冯兴国 | Applied mechanics and materials |
91 | Calculation and analysis of water quality improvement caused by water diversion in nanjing qinhuai river | 童朝峰、Lv, Lirui、邵宇阳、郝嘉凌 | Applied mechanics and materials |
92 | Exploration and innovation of excellent engineers training program -take harbor waterway and coastal engineering major as an example | 陈 达、廖迎娣 | Applied mechanics and materials |
93 | A momentum integral model for vertical jet in wavy environment | 胡 飞、陈永平、徐振山、张长宽 | Shuili xuebao/journal of hydraulic engineering |
94 | Water depth inversion in sanya bay based on TM image | 张梦飞、朱首贤、曾文华、张文静、 | Applied mechanics and materials |
95 | Stability of Liangshuijing landslide under variation water levels of Three Gorges Reservoir | 王环玲、徐卫亚 | European journal of environmental and civil engineering |
96 | Broad-scale parametric spectral form for nonlinear interactions in wind wave spectra | 徐福敏、Sowa errick Martin Adjei 、Perrie, Will | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
97 | Extended finite element method with nonlinear geometry and its application in fracture mechanics | 苏静波、范晓晨、邵国建 | Gongcheng lixue/engineering mechanics |
98 | Mechanism of back siltation in navigation channel in Dinh An Estuary, Vietnam | Nguyen Viet-Thanh1、郑金海、张继生 | Water science and engineering |
99 | A study on evaluation of environmental impacts of shore protection facilities at Toban coast | 蒋 勤、张长宽 | Frontiers of energy and environmental engineering - proceedings of the 2012 international conference on frontiers of energy and environmental engineering, icfeee 2012 |
100 | Retrieval and analysis on the sediment concentration of the south branch of the Yangtze estuary based on TM | 郝嘉凌、曹 通、章祝君、殷利平 | Applied mechanics and materials |
101 | An experimental study of nonlinear liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank | 郑金海、Kargbo Obai、苑晓丽、薛米安、林鹏智 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
102 | Impact of the reclamation engineering on the evolution of jiangsu muddy coast, China | 陈 君 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
103 | Investigation on the impact force of ships to the ship lock structure | 陈 达、肖 俊、廖迎娣、侯利军 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
104 | Study on the design of old ports reconstruct into marinas | 翟 秋、朱 峰、鲁子爱 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
105 | Influence of upstream runoff variation on suspended sediment in yangtze estuary | 童朝锋、尹 涛、史 剑、邵宇阳 | Applied mechanics and materials |
106 | Experimental study on the time effect of the jacked pile | 王瑞彩、施建勇、陈 胜、陈华杰 | Applied mechanics and materials |
107 | Geological survey in water areas based on acoustic strata profile technique | 谭慧明、 黄永林、陈佳 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
108 | Numerical assimilation of wave data along the coast of Jiangsu, China | 时 健、童朝峰、严以新 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference |
109 | 3D simulation of tidal creek in jiangsu coast | 康彦彦、丁贤荣 | Proceedings of spie - the international society for optical engineering |
110 | Wave-in-deck impulsive pressure on unsheltered jetties exposed to waves and current | 孟艳秋、陈国平、严士常 | Applied mechanics and materials |
111 | Satellite observations and modeling of oil spill trajectories in the Bohai Sea | 徐 青、李晓峰、魏永亮、唐泽艳、程永存 | Marine pollution bulletin |
112 | The sinh transformation for evaluating nearly singular boundary element integrals over high-order geometry elements | 谷 岩、陈 文、张传增 | Engineering analysis with boundary elements |
113 | A non-reflecting boundary condition using numerical dissipation in Boussinesq models | 王 岗、徐建武、郑金海 | Gongcheng lixue/engineering mechanics |
114 | Seasonal and interannual variabilities of mean velocity of Kuroshio based on satellite data | 左军成、张 敏、徐 青、牟 林、李 娟、陈美香 | Water science and engineering |
115 | Three-dimensional wave basin model test for general-purpose wharf in Jinghai district of Jieyang Harbor | 严士常、林尚飞、陈国平 | Applied mechanics and materials |
116 | Experimental study for irregular wave uplift force on upper-structure of offshore high-piled wharf under wave-current interaction | 严士常、陈小婷、陈国平、叶跃飞 | Applied mechanics and materials |
117 | The salt flux in the Pearl River Delta, China | 诸裕良、危小艳、许陈澄 | Proceedings of the international conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering - omae |
118 | Impacts of waterway regulation engineering on saltwater intrusion in the Modaomen estuary | 诸裕良、许陈澄、危小艳 | Proceedings of the international conference on offshore mechanics and arctic engineering - omae |
119 | Properties of Freak Waves induced by two kinds of nonlinear mechanisms | 陶爱峰、郑金海、陈波涛、李 慧、彭 冀 | Proceedings of icce2012 |
120 | A model of beach profile evolution including wave-undertow interaction | 张 弛、郑金海、隋倜倜、Demirbilek, Zeki、 Lin Lihwa | Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on coastal engineering(icce 2012) |
121 | Study on wave propagation affected by navigation channel | 林 祥、杨 波、封 勇、刘青明 | Proceedings of the international offshore and polar engineering conference(2013) |
122 | 基于经济诱发效应的物流网络综合优化研究 | 王 伟、封学军 | 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) |
123 | Analysis on the periodicity of annual extreme water level in the tidal reaches of Xijiang river,China | 吴玲莉、张 玮、吴 腾 | Proceedings of 2013 iahr congress © 2013 tsinghua university press, beijing |
124 | 桑美超强台风风暴潮增水特征分析 | 杨 波、林 祥、刘青明、封 勇 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
125 | Shoaling of Nonlinear Surface Water Waves on Depth Uniform Current | 赵红军、孔 俊、宋志尧 | Proceedings of 2013 iahr world congress |
126 | Wetland area holdings in the Yangtze River Estuary- | 雷智鹢 | Advanced materials research |
127 | 受硫酸盐侵蚀水泥基材料力学性能及本构模型 | 陈 达、廖迎娣、侯利军、欧阳峰 | 建筑材料学报 |
128 | 河海大学“四层次”水利实验教学体系的构建与实践 | 陈元芳、胡 明、陈 达、王万杰、周 澄、周立新 | 教育教学论坛 |
129 | 闸墙碰撞分析及其混凝土性能指标研究 | 陈 达、谢春秋、廖迎娣、侯利军 | 水运工程 |
130 | 撞击力下柔性靠船桩高桩码头横向变形分析 | 项 雯、鲁子爱、翟 秋、陈 智 | 水道港口 |
131 | 三峡水库蓄水对库区降水量的影响分析 | 张树奎、鲁子爱、张 楠 | 水电能源科学 |
132 | 海洋高桩水平承载特性模型试验及有限元分析 | 吴同坤、鲁子爱、窦德功、吴 乔 | 科学技术与工程 |
133 | 横向受载超长PHC管桩计算方法 | 周天乔、鲁子爱、王德虎 | 水运工程 |
134 | 基于模糊层次分析法的高桩码头安全性评估 | 王德虎、鲁子爱、侯代云 | 水运工程 |
135 | 南京港节能减排水平评价及发展策略研究 | 王 甜、封学军 | 中国港口 |
136 | 基于RFID的港口信息采集系统设计 | 王 超、封学军、王 伟 | 水运工程 |
137 | 基于RFID 的集装箱智能闸口设计与评价 | 施智辉、封学军、王 伟 | 物流技术 |
138 | 悬移质含沙量的比热容测量方法 | 张帆一、吴 腾 | 河海大学学报 |
139 | 内河航道挖槽立面二维水沙数学模型研究 | 吴 腾、吴玲莉、丁 飞 | 水道港口 |
140 | 基于MODIS影像的黄海浒苔漂移情况年际变化分析 | 张洪源、徐 青、陈美香 | 第三届江苏省海洋湖沼学会研究生论坛论文集 |
141 | 深水航道治理工程对长江河口盐水入侵的影响 | 齐华萍、陶建峰、曹利利 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
142 | Tide Level Response to Upstream Discharge Variation in Yangtze Estuary | 齐华萍、陶建峰、张长宽、谭 亚 | Proceedings of the 35th iahr congress |
143 | 大亚湾芒洲岛码头工程潮流泥沙数值模拟 | 袁春光、王义刚、黄惠明、杨同军、陈 橙 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
144 | 江苏沿海夏季潮流与悬沙空间分布特性 | 陈 橙、王义刚、黄惠明、袁春光 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
145 | 连云港环抱式防波堤口门航道横流计算研究 | 张 玮、张 婧、李 泽、钱 伟 | 中国港湾建设 |
146 | Analytical research on the tidally-induced groundwater wave propagation mechanism in coastal aquifers | 孔 俊、沈成吉、叶荣辉 | Proceedings 12th international coastal symposium (plymouth、 england) |
147 | The Effect of Cementationon the Mechanical Properties of Muddy Soil of East-south Coastal Area of China | 江朝华、巫 飞、王 涛、范 可 | Advanced materials research |
148 | Experimental Study on Hydraulic Roughness of Submerged Grass in Ecological Riverbank | 马殿光、钟春欣 | 2013第二届土木、结构与环境工程国际学术会议论文集(gccsee 2013) |
149 | Application of Ecological Vegetation for a Shipping Hub--A Case Study of Ecoengineering in Naji Reservoir、 Guangxi、 China | 钟春欣、肖诗瑶、刘金龙、张玮 | 土木工程、建筑科学与交通运输工程国际会议论文集(ceaste 2013) |
150 | Numerical Simulation of Longshore Current and Radiation Sand Group Evolution in Coast of Jiangsu Province | 王义刚、李 熙、张素香 | Proceedings of 2013 iahr congress |
151 | Comprehensive assessment and global stabilization measures of a large landslide in hydropower engineering | 张 玉、徐卫亚、邵建富、邹丽芳、孙怀坤 | European journal of environmental and civil engineering |
152 | 环抱式港池水体交换与改善措施研究 | 张 玮、王国超、刘 燃、陈 祯 | 水运工程 |
153 | 册镇海底管线沿线海床冲刷原因及冲刷趋势研究 | 张 玮、金 新、汪 魁 | 水道港口 |
154 | 长江澄通河段通州沙西水道整治工程对分流比影响研究 | 张 玮、倪 兵、陈乾阳 | 水道港口 |
155 | 册镇海底输油管道沿线海床冲刷原因分析 | 张 玮、汪 魁、金 新 | 江南大学学报(自然科学版) |
156 | 限制条件下内河航道船舶大型化预测研究 | 李俊星、张 玮、李 瀛 | 交通科学与工程 |
157 | 连云新城海滩清淤工程维护效果研究 | 阮 桯、张 玮、杨 氾 | 水运工程 |
158 | 徐圩港区防波堤口门布置对航道横流影响研究 | 阮 桯、张 玮、毕忠飞、祁小辉 | 水运工程 |
159 | 根据MODIS 数据研究海岸河口水域上升流现象 | 徐福敏、李 婷 | 河海大学学(自然科学版) |
160 | Moveable Bed Experimental Study on Shipyard Engineering in Min Estuary | 董晓伟、郑金海、李安中、丁 坚、吴 腾 | The proceedings of the 35th iahr world congress、 chengdu、 china |
161 | 东海沿岸台风及风暴潮灾害特征及成因 | 孙 佳、左军成、黄 琳、蔡晓杰、李青青 | 河海大学学报 |
162 | 海陆分界与江苏沿海理论最高潮位研究 | 王义刚、袁春光、黄惠明、祝慧敏、陈 橙 | 水道港口 |
163 | 我国东部沿海地区理论最低潮面与平均潮差关系研究 | 杨同军、王义刚、黄惠明、袁春光 | 海洋与湖沼 |
164 | 潮动力影响下辐射沙脊群的研究进展 | 陈 橙、王义刚、黄惠明、袁春光 | 水运工程 |
165 | 如东海域挟沙力公式及相关系数分析 | 周婷婷、王义刚、黄惠明 | 泥沙研究 |
166 | 降雨条件下大型滑坡体渗流稳定性分析 | 张 玉、徐卫亚、邹丽芳、孙怀昆 | 岩土力学 |
167 | Physical modeling of stress-dependent permeability in fractured rocks、 Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering | 邹丽芳、鲍里斯.塔拉斯夫、阿卡迪.戴斯金、迪帕克.阿迪卡瑞、伊莲娜.帕斯特纳克、徐卫亚 | Rock mechanics and rock engineering |
168 | 南黄海海域悬沙剖面公式适用性探讨 | 黄惠明、王义刚、陈 橙 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
169 | 江苏海岸动力地貌对滩涂匡围响应的关键科学问题 | 黄惠明、王义刚、袁春光 | 中国科技成果 |
170 | 瓯江口海域悬浮泥沙输运特性研究 | 林伟波、王义刚 | 水力发电学报 |
171 | 冬季季风影响下南黄海波浪特性研究 | 杨 斌、冯卫兵、张 俞、石麒麟 | 第二十三届国际海洋和极地工程会议 |
172 | 洋山深水港区大直径砂桩加固优化研究 | 庄 宁、葛 松、方君华、王大刚 | 水利水运工程学报 |
173 | Study on the System Optimization Method for Supporting Structure of Urban Tunnel | 李 昂、苏静波 | Applied mechanics and materials |
174 | 通州沙西水道整治工程对通州沙河段潮流量影响研究 | 张 玮、陈乾阳、倪 兵 | 科学技术与工程 |
175 | 南黄海辐射沙脊群西洋水道质点示踪数值模拟 | 徐 凡、陶建峰、张长宽、康彦彦 | 水道港口 |
176 | 上游径流变化对长江口盐水入侵影响研究 | 陶建峰、齐华萍、曹利利 | 中国科技论文在线 |
177 | 地形拟合坐标下水平斜压梯度力误差分析 | 陶建峰、张长宽 | 中国科技论文在线 |
178 | 江苏近海潮流动力特性研究 | 王 骏、张继生、李 慧、陶爱峰 | 第16届中国海洋(海岸)工程学术讨论文会论文集 |
179 | 中国潮汐能利用现状研究 | 李 慧、郝嘉凌、陶爱峰、王 懿 | 第16届中国海洋(海岸)工程学术讨论文会论文集 |
180 | 近十年中国海浪灾害特性分析 | 彭 冀、陶爱峰、齐可仁、王学新 | 第16届中国海洋(海岸)工程学术讨论文会论文集 |
181 | 江苏响水海域海浪谱特性 | 陶爱峰、金 飞、王 瑶、娄 迪 | 第16届中国海洋(海岸)工程学术讨论文会论文集 |
182 | New Concept for Assessment of Tidal Current Energy in Jiangsu Coast、 China | 张继生、王 骏、陶爱峰、郑金海、李 慧 | Advances in mechanical engineering |
183 | urficial sediment distribution feature and net sediment transport pattern in the Pearl River Estuary、 South China | 张 蔚、郑金海、季小梅、诸裕良 | Continental shelf research |
184 | 国内外开放教学资源中的海岸工程相关课程对比 | 郑金海、陶爱峰、张 弛、王 岗、陈波涛 | 2011海洋教育国际研讨会论文集 |
185 | MIT开放教学资源中的水利与海洋相关课程 | 陶爱峰、郑金海、张 弛、王 岗、陈波涛 | 2011海洋教育国际研讨会论文集 |
186 | wave-induced porous response around pile-group foundations | 隋倜倜、郑金海、张 弛、张继生、王岗 | The proceedings of the twenty-third international offshore and polar engineering conference |
187 | 基于实测资料的畸形波发生概率研究综述 | 王 瑶、郑金海、陶爱峰、陈波涛 | 海洋通报 |
188 | 长江口南支水道余环流与盐度输移特征 | 李林娟、严以新、郑金海 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
189 | 闽江口潮流泥沙运动特性与船坞码头布置方案优化研究 | 郑金海、吴 腾、李安中、丁 坚、王 震 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
190 | 基于无结构网格的瓯江口三维数值模拟 | 林伟波、王义刚、朱明敏 | 水力发电学报 |
191 | 推移层厚度研究综述 | 魏 龙、王义刚、黄惠明 | 泥沙研究 |
192 | 区域海港群-无水港系统布局优化模型及其算法 | 封学军、王 伟、张 艳 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
193 | 桩基负摩阻力时间效应试验研究 | 黄 挺、龚维明、戴国亮、郑金海、徐国平 | 岩土力学 |
194 | Influencing Factors of Bearing Behavior of Settlement Reducing Pile Foundation for Immersed Tunnel | 黄晓晖、龚维明、黄 挺、谢日成、徐国平 | Applied mechanics and materials |
195 | 基于熵权的边坡稳定性评价物元可拓模型及其应用 | 赵 博、徐卫亚、梁桂兰 | 水电能源科学 |
196 | Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health and its Control Measures | 曹通、郝嘉陵 | Conference on environmental pollution and public health、 |
197 | 几何非线性三维扩展有限元法及其断裂力学应用 | 苏静波、范晓晨、邵国建 | 工程力学 |
199 | 自由表面处垂直隔板抑制液体晃荡的数值研究 | 薛米安、苑晓丽、郑金海、马玉祥 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
200 | 基于TM影像的长江口悬沙浓度遥感反演定量模式研究 | 曹 通、郝嘉凌、高 晨、隋倜倜 | 三峡大学学报(自然科学版) |
201 | 桥墩局部冲刷对建桥的影响分析 | 高 晨、郝嘉凌、曹通 | 江南大学学报(自然科学版) |
202 | Experimental Research on Electrolytic Effects of Sediment Flocculation | 周晶晶、宋晓阳、张长宽 | Proceedings of 2013 iahr world congress |
203 | Modeling processes controlling sediment transport at the mouth bar of the Yangtze Estuary | 储 鏖、 Z.B. Wang H.J.de Vriend Jiaai Tai | Iahr |
204 | Numerical Simulation of Siltation in the Lower Reaches of the Tide Lock to Be Constructed in the Yongjiang River | 王 震、马洪亮、姚静、张长宽 | Proceedings of the 35th iahr world conference |
205 | 电解质对细颗粒泥沙絮凝影响的试验研究 | 宋晓阳、周晶晶、邓樑斌 | 人民长江 |
206 | Dyanmic geomorphology characteristics Research near the tidal flat of the Liangduo River Gate、 Jiangsu | 陈 君 | International conference on romote sensing、 environment and transportation engineering (rsete 2013) |
207 | 江苏条子泥匡围工程对邻近水道流场影响分析 | 卫晓庆、陈 君、周 永 | 人民长江 |
208 | Shoaling of Nonlinear Surface Water Waves on Depth Uniform Current | 赵红军、孔 俊、宋志尧 | Proceedings of 2013 iahr world congress |
209 | On the universal third order Stokes wave solution | 宋志尧、赵红军、李 凌、吕国年 | Science china: earth sciences |
210 | Monitoring of Ulva prolifera blooms in the Yellow Sea with MODIS | 张洪源、徐 青、程永存、陈美香、左军成 | Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on remote sensing、 environment and transportation engineering (rsete 2013) |
211 | 桑美超强台风风暴潮增水特征分析 | 杨 波、林 祥、刘青明、封 勇 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
212 | Evolution of tidal flats: a field investigation in the Jiangsu coast | 龚 政、李 欢、张长宽、靳 闯、辛 沛、张 茜 | Proceedings of the 35th iahr world congress |
213 | 一维水波共振的Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou问题 | 王 岗、郑金海、董国海、马小舟、马玉祥 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集 |
214 | A compound method for automatically extracting plateau wetlands from satellite imagery | 李 欢、JayGAO | Proceedings of spie |
215 | 拱式纵梁码头结构横向承载性能分析 | 翟 秋、鲁子爱 | 中国港湾建设 |
216 | 波浪与波生流相互作用下的底部边界层数值模拟 | 张 弛、郑金海 | 水利学会第五届青年科技论坛论文集 |
217 | Development of a three-dimensional model for wave-induced seabed response | 张 弛、张继生、郑东生、郑金海 | Proceedings of the 6th chinese-german joint symposium on hydraulic and ocean engineeirng |
218 | A method to determine the cross-shore varying roller slope in the surf zone | 张弛、郑金海、隋倜倜 | Proceedings of the 4th international conference on estuaries and coasts |
219 | Sediment siltation analysis for a navigation channel project in Jiangsu Coast、 China | 张 弛、郑金海、张 云、陈可峰 | Proceedings of the 12th international symposium on river sedimentation |
220 | Morphodynamic response of Xiaomiaohong tidal channel to a coastal reclamation project in Jiangsu Coast、 China | 张弛、郑金海、董晓伟、曹凯、张继生 | Journal of coastal research |
221 | ZigBee Based slope wireless monitoring networks | 梁桂兰、周念东、徐卫亚、谈小龙、赵博 | Disaster advances |
222 | 基于修正剑桥渗流耦合模型的闸室有限元分析 | 何良德、苏兴海、徐笛清、夏正东、魏 东 | 中国港湾建设 |
223 | 考虑扭转效应的全直桩码头动力简化计算方法 | 何良德、张海荣、杨 洋、张志明、李新国 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
224 | 箱板式高桩码头简化计算方法比较 | 王文仲、何良德、杨 洋、张志明、李新国 | 江南大学学报( 自然科学版) |
225 | 基于可接受间隙理论的交汇段次航道通过能力 | 徐笛清、何良德、王 震、苏兴海、许 可 | 科学技术与工程 |
226 | Contribution of the steric and ocean mass change to the global sea level change since 2003 | 陈美香、何佩东、李 娟、谭 伟 | The 3rd international conference on remote sensing、 environment and transportation engineering |
227 | 长江入海径流量突变性和趋势性分析 | 刘嘉琦、龚 政、张长宽 | 人民长江 |
228 | 淤长型泥质潮滩双凸形剖面形成机制 | 龚 政、张长宽、陶建峰、蔡辉 | 水科学进展 |
229 | 我国沿海海平面变化预测方法探究 | 陈美香、白如冰、左军成、徐 青、李 娟 | 海洋环境科学 |
230 | Annual and interannual variability of scatterometer ocean surface wind over the South China Sea | 张国胜、徐 青、龚 政、程永存 | Journal of ocean university of china |
231 | 淤泥质海岸防波堤布置潮流泥沙数值分析 | 王 震、张春凤、赵明志、张长宽 | 水道港口 |
232 | Estimation of Design Waves along Jiangsu Coast | 谢冬梅、陈永平、张长宽、侯虹波 | Proceedings of the 23rd international society of offshore (ocean) and polar engineering (isope) conference |
233 | 东中国海波浪分布特征研究 | 谢冬梅、陈永平、张长宽 | 水运工程 |
234 | 江苏沿海近岸台风浪数值模拟——以1109号台风“梅花”为例 | 侯虹波、陈永平、张长宽 | 水运工程 |
235 | 江苏外海深水波要素推算 | 谢冬梅、陈永平、张长宽 | 海洋工程 |
236 | Experimental study on a vertical jet in a wave and current co-existing environment | 王娅娜、徐振山、陈永平、胡 飞 | Proceedings of the 35th IAHR world congress |
237 | A momentum integral model for vertical jet in wavy environment | 胡 飞、陈永平、张长宽、王娅娜 | Proceedings of the 35th IAHR world congress |
238 | Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Jet in Wave and Current Environment | 徐振山、陈永平、王娅娜 | Proceedings of the 35th IAHR world congress |
239 | 上游径流变化对澄通河段汊道段分流比影响分析 | 姜宁林、张长宽、陈永平 | 人民长江 |
240 | 规则波和不规则波条件下射流实验对比研究 | 徐振山、陈永平、张长宽、王娅娜 | 水科学进展 |
241 | 波浪环境下垂直射流的动量积分模型 | 胡 飞、陈永平、张长宽、徐振山 | 水利学报 |
242 | 2012年西北太平洋多台站台风预报误差比较分析 | 顾 茜、丁雪霖、陈永平 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
243 | Suspended sediment fluxes in the radial sand ridge field of South Yellow Sea | 张长宽、杨耀中、陶建峰、陈永平、姚 鹏、苏 敏 | Journal of coastal research |
244 | Estimation of long-term wave statistics in the East China Sea | 陈永平、谢冬梅、张长宽、钱学生 | Journal of coastal research |
245 | 开敞式油品码头平面布置优化研究 | 林尚飞、陈国平、严士常、杨越 | 第十六届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集(上册) |
246 | 不同开孔率混凝土护面板上波浪打击力试验研究 | 李 翔、陈国平、严士常、张庆丰 | 中国土木工程学会港口工程分会第七届港口工程技术交流会论文集 |
247 | 开敞式油气码头泊位长度优化 | 林在彬、陈国平、张志明、李叶兴 | 水运工程 |
248 | 人工岛建设对周围水域潮流场影响研究 | 王李吉、陈国平、 严士常 | 水运工程 |
249 | 圆沉箱护岸结构波浪力试验研究 | 葛 蓉、陈国平、严士常、许 荔 | 水运工程 |
250 | 护岸越浪量的试验研究 | 许 荔、陈国平、 严士常、葛 蓉 | 水运工程 |
251 | 复杂动力环境海峡填海工程环境影响研究 | 许力源、陈国平、严士常、陈凯华 | 水运工程 |
252 | 不同平面布置方案对港内波浪影响 | 林尚飞、陈国平、严士常、陈小婷 | 水运工程 |
253 | 港池开挖对护岸工程影响试验研究 | 陈小婷、陈国平、严士常、林尚飞 | 水运工程 |
254 | 基于台风浪后报模型的外海重现期波浪要素分析 | 宋伟伟、陈国平、严士常、陈小婷 | 水运工程 |
255 | 挟沙水流的流速分布公式 | 付刚才、李瑞杰、丰 青、张文虎 | 江南大学学报 |
256 | 近岸海域泥沙侵蚀率与水流挟沙力 | 李瑞杰、郑 俊、丰 青、张文虎 | 泥沙研究 |