序号 | 论文名称 | 作者 | 刊物名称 |
1 | Wave spectra assimilation in typhoon wave modeling for the | 冯向波、郑金海、严以新 | Coastal Engineering |
2 | A method to calculate design tide levels on the basis of numerical model of tidal current and its application | 王 震、魏有兴、张长宽 | Acta Oceanologica Sinica |
3 | Transport simulation of sorptive contaminants considering sediment-associated processes | 李瑞杰、陆莎莎、郑俊 | Chinese Journal Of Oceanology And Limnology |
4 | Domain-Decomposition Singular Boundary Method for Stress Analysis in Multi-Layered Elastic Materials | 谷 岩、陈 文、何小桥 | Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua |
5 | Numerical Study of A Round Buoyant Jet Under the Effect of JONSWAP Random Waves | 陈永平、李志伟、 张长宽、 徐振山 | |
6 | Modeling Residual Circulation and Stratification in | 林伟波、王义刚、阮晓红、徐 群 | |
7 | Estimating suspended sediment loads in the Pearl River Delta region using sediment rating curves | 张 蔚、危小艳、郑金海、诸预良、 | Continental Shelf Research |
8 | Anisotropic permeability evolution model of rock in the process of deformation and failure | 王环玲、褚卫江、何 淼 | Journal Of Hydrodynamics |
9 | Existence of Positive Solution for Semipositone Fractional Differential Equations Involving Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Conditions | 王 伟、黄 力 | Abstract And Applied Analysis |
10 | Numerical Simulation of Sloshing Phenomena in Cubic Tank with Multiple Baffles | 薛米安、郑金海、林鹏智 | Journal Of Applied Mathematics |
11 | The Most Unstable Conditions of Modulation Instability | 陶爱峰、郑金海、 Mee, Soe Mee、 陈波涛 | Journal Of Applied Mathematics |
12 | Tidal level response to sea-level rise in the yangtze estuary | 龚 政、张长宽、万里明、左军成 | |
13 | Long-term change in tidal dynamics and its cause in the Pearl River Delta、 China、 | 张 蔚、阮晓红、郑金海、诸裕良、 | Geomorphology |
14 | Morphodynamic and current characteristics in Min | 郑金海、居 尧、戴 鹏、王 震 | Proceedings of the 22nd (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference |
15 | Sand soil properties as the sea embankment material used in pipe-bag riding method | 张 璇 、何良德、庄 宁 | Advanced Materials Research |
16 | Sea level variability in | 左军成、何倩倩、陈长霖、陈美香、 | Water Science and Engineering |
17 | Numerical wave model under different forced wind fields | 潘锡山、王振祥、朱文谨 | Advanced Materials Research, |
18 | Cost-benefit analysis of adaptation to sea level rise in major vulnerable regions along the Coast of | 杨逸秋、 左军成、 杜 凌、陈美香、徐 青 | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, |
19 | Fix-bed experimental study on shipyard engineering in min estuary | 郑金海、丁 飞、戴 鹏、吴 腾、居尧 | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference |
20 | Fuzzy disassembling of coastal public resources pricing: A case study of shoal wetland in | 吴维登、张长宽 | Ocean and Coastal Management |
21 | Studies on the water environmental capacity of | 李昊宸、孙昊元、郝嘉凌 | Civil Engineering and Urban Planning 2012 - Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning |
22 | Research on detection evaluation and reinforcement technique of piled wharf | 庄 宁、葛 松、陈 达、李军伟、 | Advanced Materials Research |
23 | Following distance model of inland ship | 何良德、姜 晔、殷兆进、周 博、 | Jiaotong Yunshu Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering |
24 | Storm related coastal hydrodynamic phenomena in waters off mackenzie delta | 徐福敏、Perrie, William; | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference |
25 | Channel evolution of chengtong reach at yangtze estuary | 姜宁林、陈永平、张长宽 | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference |
26 | Numerical simulation of wave-induced sandbar formation | 张 弛、郑金海、王义刚 | Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science |
27 | Analysis of sea bed evolution of min estuary | 戴 鹏、郑金海、居 尧、张 云 | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference |
28 | Wetland area holdings in the Yangtze River Estuary | 雷智鹢、许长新 | Advanced Materials Research |
29 | Vertical distribution of nearshore sediment concentration | 郑 俊、李瑞杰、丰 青 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
30 | Review of hydrodynamics of jet flow in coastal waters | 徐振山 、陈永平、张长宽 | Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science |
31 | Numerical Simulation of Spectrum Wave Transformation and Berthing Stability in | 李 熙、奚陈诚 | the ninth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery |
32 | Relationship between permeability and strain of sandstone during the process of deformation and failure | 王环玲 | geotechnical and geological engineering |
33 | 曹妃甸粉沙质海岸围垦后港内泥沙研究 | 龚 政、张长宽、陶建峰、张峙经 | 海洋工程 |
34 | 水泥品种对水泥土力学性能与耐久性的影响 | 陈 达、廖迎娣、庄 宁、黄 辉 | 施工技术 |
35 | 水泥土力学特性随龄期发展规律试验研究 | 陈 达、庄 宁、廖迎娣、黄 辉 | 水利水运工程学报 |
36 | 水平地震作用下高桩码头结构响应谱分析 | 陶桂兰、王 定、陈 祥 | 中国港湾建设 |
37 | 高桩码头叉桩布置型式抗震性能分析 | 陶桂兰、陈 祥、王 定 | 河海大学学报 |
38 | 改进的灰色模型在船闸通过量预测中应用 | 王 馨、陶桂兰 | 武汉理工大学学报 |
39 | 宿迁港发展机遇与对策 | 张 丽、陶桂兰 | 中国水运 |
40 | 船闸阻抗影响下的内河航线配船模型 | 林珈伊 陶桂兰 | 上海海事大学学报 |
41 | 叉桩扭角对高桩码头抗震性能影响分析 | 陶桂兰、陈 祥、王 定 | 水道港口 |
42 | 黄、东海沿岸海表温度变化与厄尔尼诺的关系 | 王智祖、左军成、陈美香、徐 青、 | 河海大学学报 |
43 | Comparison of maximum dynamic shear moduli of lab and situ tests for saturated soils | 谭慧明、高志兵 | Disaster Advances |
44 | 卓越工程师教育培养计划的创新与实践研究——以河海大学“港口航道与海岸工程”专业为例 | 陈 达 | 中国水利教育与人才 |
45 | Influence of Sulfate Attack and Drying-wetting Cycle on Properties of Mortar | 陈 达、王 娜、江朝华 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
46 | Study on foundation structure for comprehensive power generation of offshore renewable energy | 王 娜、陈 达、廖迎娣 | Advanced Materials Research |
47 | Exploration and Innovation of Excellent Engineers Training Program-Take Harbor Waterway and Coastal Engineering Major as an Example | 陈 达、廖迎娣 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
48 | An empirical correlation between unconfined compression strength and curing time for cement-soil | 廖迎娣、江朝华、冯兴国 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
49 | 开敞式油气码头泊位长度优化 | 林在彬、陈国平、张志明、李叶兴 | 水运工程 |
50 | A Modeling Study to Impacts of Water Diversion and Anthropogenic Inputs on Water Quality in Waiqinhuai Creek, | 童朝锋、岳亮亮、郝嘉凌、严以新、 | The 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering |
51 | 童朝锋、刘丰阳、邵宇阳、孙运佳、 | 水道港口 | |
52 | 南京市外秦淮河水质模拟及引调水效果分析 | 童朝锋、岳亮亮、郝嘉凌、邵宇阳、 | 水资源保护 |
53 | Numerical simulation of solitary wave induced flow motion around a permeable submerged breakwater | 张继生、郑金海、郑东生、王 岗 | Journal Of Applied Mathematics |
54 | Numerical modeling of seabed response to combined wave-current loading | 张继生、张 宇、郑东生、张 弛 | Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering |
55 | Three-dimensional model for wave-induced dynamic pore pressure around monopile foundation | 张继生、张 弛、Dong-Sheng Jeng | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics |
56 | Iteration coupling simulation of random waves and wave-induced currents | 郑金海、王天闻、王 岗、张晨明、 | Journal of Applied Mathematics |
57 | Bach profiles characteristics along Giao Thuy and Hai Hau coasts, | Nguyen Viet Thanh、郑金海、张 弛 | |
58 | Numerical experiments on transverse oscillations induced by normal-incident waves in a rectangular harbor of constant slope | 王 岗、郑金海、Jerome P-Y Maa、 | Ocean Engineering |
59 | Hydrodynamic and morphological processes in Yangtze Estuary: State-of-the-art researches and applications in Hohai Universit | 郑金海、严以新、童朝锋、雷智鹢、 | Water Science and Engineering |
60 | Preliminary study of regulation schemes for navigation channel in Dinh An Estuary, | Nguyen Viet Thanh、郑金海 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
61 | Numerical simulation of accidental oil spill in Min River Estuary | 严燕娟、郑金海、黄惠明 | Proceedings of the 10th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium |
62 | 潮汐汊道稳定性研究述评 | 郑金海、彭 畅、陈可锋、黄惠明 | 水利水电科技进展 |
63 | 利用数值耗散层改进Boussinesq模型的无反射边界条件 | 王 岗、许建武、郑金海 | 工程力学 |
64 | Subharmonic Generation of Transverse Oscillations Induced by Incident Regular Waves | 王 岗、郑金海 | The 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering |
65 | Cross-waves in a channel with trapezoidal depth | 王 岗、郑金海、王天文 | 4th Internation Conference on Estuaries and Coasts |
66 | A model of beach profile evolution including wave-undertow interaction | 张 弛、郑金海、隋倜倜、 | Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering |
67 | A method to determine the cross-shore varying roller slope in the surf zone | 张 弛、郑金海、隋倜倜 | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts |
68 | Development of a three-dimensional model for wave-induced seabed response | 张 弛、张继生、郑东生、郑金海 | Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineeirng |
69 | 江苏近岸海域水动力特征及其对围垦工程的响应 | 张 弛、郑金海、郑桂平、黄惠明 | 水利经济 |
70 | 波浪作用下沙坝剖面形成过程的数值模拟 | 张 弛、郑金海、王义刚 | 水科学进展 |
71 | 波浪与波生流相互作用下的底部边界层数值模拟 | 张 弛、郑金海 | 水利学会第五届青年科技论坛论文集 |
72 | Prediction model of saline intrusion in | 诸裕良、 闫晓璐、 季小梅 | Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineeirng |
73 | Observational Study of Morphodynamics of | 季小梅、张永战 | Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineeirng |
74 | hydrodynamic calculation and anlysis of the suspended transport mechanism in the north passage of Yangtze Estuary | 吴德安,、管大伟、Hu Gguodong | Proceeding of the fourth yangtze forum,changjiang press |
75 | The Variation Process of Jiuduansha in the YangtzeRiver Estuary during 1997-2008 and Its Evolution Mechanism | 吴德安、曹 侃、 XU Haidong | The 6th Chinese-german Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering |
76 | Properties of freak waves induced by two kinds of nonlinear mechanisms | 陶爱峰、郑金海、陈波涛 | Proceedings of ICCE2012 |
77 | Review on the Occurrence Probability of Freak Waves | 陶爱峰、王 瑶、陈波涛 | Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering |
78 | On the Universal third order Stokes wave solution | 宋志尧、赵红军、李凌、吕国年 | Sciecne |
79 | Image analysis quantitative model on suspended sediment concentration in yangtze river with tm | 曹 通、郝嘉凌、高 晨、隋倜倜 | Proceedings of the ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition |
80 | Establishment and data analysis of sea-state monitoring system along | 冯向波、王 浩、严以新 | Marina Science Bulletin |
81 | Study on the role of sediment dike in the port construction near silt coast | 孔 俊、辛 沛、沈成吉等 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
82 | 桩基挡板式透空堤透浪系数计算及试验研究 | 陈德春、茆福文、沈丽宁、尹福安 | 水利水运工程学报 |
83 | 关于单桩钢套管人工基床稳定厚度的研究 | 陈德春、李军雪、魏 华 | 港工技术 |
84 | 围海工程堵口水力仿真计算中设计潮型插值方法 | 陈德春、齐尚珍、沈丽宁、汪乐强 | 江南大学学报 |
85 | 新二重管法在动水环境大粒径地层中的应用 | 陈德春、冯 阳 | 江南大学学报 |
86 | 宝钢马迹山港卸船码头嵌岩桩单排架钢套管稳定性试验研究 | 陈德春、彭 祥 | 水运工程 |
87 | 序贯算法研究条子泥一期匡围工程养殖效益 | 陈德春、亢 阳 | 江南大学学报 |
88 | Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) Finite Element Method For The Improved Stokes Equations | 张淑华、Xiao-Jing Yuan、Qiang Yin | Advanced Materials Research |
89 | 导管架平台的随机有限元可靠性分析 | 张淑华、徐 磊、胡勇虎 | 科学技术与工程 |
90 | 船舶与高桩码头碰撞过程的数值模拟 | 张淑华、李 攀、 | 水运工程 |
91 | Summary and application of slope stability analysis based on GIS | 梁桂兰、许忠厚、董晓红 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
92 | 基于人工蜂群算法的船闸高边坡岩体力学参数反分析 | 王 新、梁桂兰 | 科学技术与工程 |
93 | 边坡稳定分析方法综述及发展趋势研究 | 董晓红、梁桂兰、许忠厚 | 水利与建筑工程学报 |
94 | 高边坡稳定评价的ACPSO-PP模型 | 梁桂兰 | 2012 Forum on Urban Geoenvironment & Sustainable Development |
95 | ZigBee based Wireless slope sensor networks- ZWSSN | 梁桂兰 | 2012 Forum on Urban Geoenvironment & Sustainable Development |
96 | Shear Behavior of Reinforced Ultrahigh Toughness Cementitious Composite Beams without Transverse Reinforcement | 徐世良、 侯利军, Xiu-fang Zhang | Journal of Materials in Civil |
97 | Toughness evaluation of ultra-high toughness cementitious composite specimens with different depths | 侯利军、徐世良、 Xiu-fang Zhang | Magazine of Concrete Research |
98 | Analysis of the periodicity of annual extreme runoff at Datong Station, | 吴玲莉、张 玮、吴 腾 | 第二届土木工程与交通运输国际学术会议(CET 2012) |
99 | 基于网络可靠度的应急物资调配优化研究 | 张雪松、王 伟、封学军 | 物流技术 |
100 | 基于多属性综合评价法的港口节能减排水平评价 | 陈敏慧、封学军、王 伟 | 水运工程 |
101 | Research on Internal Layout Optimization of Logistics Node under the Conditions of Complex Terrain Based on Computer Vision and Geographical Simulation System | 王 伟、封学军 | Abstract and Applied Analysis |
102 | Research on Facility Layout Optimization of Logistics Node Based on Multi-Agent | 王 伟、封学军 | Advanced Science Letters |
103 | Research on Integrated Optimization of Regional Logistics Network Based on Economic Induction Effect | 王 伟、封学军 | Advanced Science Letters |
104 | 基于系统动力学的物流与经济协同研究 | 侯秀明、封学军、纪 军、王 伟 | 物流技术 |
105 | 基于复杂网络理论的应急物流网络可靠性仿真研究 | 王敏功、王 伟、封学军 | 物流技术 |
106 | 基于经济诱发效应的物流网络综合优化研究 | 王 伟、封学军 | 武汉理工大学学报 |
107 | Analysis on Transversal Bearing Capacity of Wharf with Arched Longitudinal Beams | 翟 秋、鲁子爱 | Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineeirng |
108 | 螺纹桩承载性状分析与研究 | 窦德功、鲁子爱 | 水运工程 |
109 | Extreme waves and wave runup in | 徐福敏、 William Perrie | Atmosphere-Ocean |
110 | Sea level variability in | 左军成 | Water Science and Engineering |
111 | 东海沿岸海表温度变化与厄尔尼诺的关系 | 王智祖、左军成 | 河海大学学报(自然版) |
112 | 热带太平洋海面风的年际变化对海平面变化的影响 | 李艳芳、左军成 | 中国海洋大学学报 |
113 | 基于多卫星融合数据的海平面特征分析 | 陈美香、王 磊、左军成 | 河海大学学报(自然版) |
114 | Process-based morphodynamic modeling of a schematized mudflat dominated by a long-shore tidal current at the central | 龚 政、Wang Z.B.、 M.J.F. Stive、张长宽、储 鏖 | Journal of Coastal Research |
115 | 淤长型泥质潮滩双凸形剖面形成机制 | 龚 政、张长宽、陶建峰、蔡 辉 | 水科学进展 |
116 | 条子泥滩涂围垦与开发面临的若干问题 | 王义刚、陈 橙、黄惠明 | 浙江水利科技 |
117 | 杭州湾北岸深槽潮流动力要素研究 | 倪 玮、王义刚、黄惠明 | 水道港口 |
118 | 基于平均低潮位推算理论最低潮面的简便方法 | 杨同军、王义刚、黄惠明 | 水道港口 |
119 | 冀东南堡人工岛工程潮流泥沙数值模拟 | 魏 龙、王义刚、黄惠明、孟 超 | 水运工程 |
120 | 长江大通站流量丰枯演化趋势预测 | 朱 昊、王义刚、黄惠明 | 人民长江 |
121 | Numerical simulation of standing waves in front of permeable structures | 张素香、 李熙 | Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2012 |
122 | Study on wave spectra in south coastal waters of | 冯卫兵、杨斌、 Ni Xing Ye | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
123 | 潜堤透浪系数的实验研究 | 冯卫兵、王明明、崔川川 | 水运工程 |
124 | 高桩码头上部结构波浪力物理模型试验研究 | 肖文智、王登婷、冯卫兵 | 水运工程 |
125 | 柔性植物消波特性试验研究 | 冯卫兵、汪 涛、邓 伟 | 科学技术与工程 |
126 | A two-dimension coupled wave-current model using in the radial sand ridge field | 孙大伟、冯卫兵 | World Automation Congress |
127 | 苏南运河船行波物理模型试验研究 | 何超勇、琚烈红、冯卫兵 | 水运工程 |
128 | 深槽水域垂向二维水沙运动数值模拟 | 邹方勇、冯卫兵 | 水运工程 |
129 | Response relation between sediment particle-size distribution and hydrodynamic characteristics in offshore area of | 周晶晶、张长宽、陶建峰 | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, |
130 | 泥沙颗粒的粒径谱分析——以长江口为例 | 周晶晶、张长宽、薛鸿超 | 泥沙研究 |
131 | Comparison of Two Different Methods for Transport Time Scales Calculation Applying to a Realistic Case. | 杨 洁 | The 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering |
132 | Application of Wave Model YW-WAM to Coastal Engineering | 林 祥、杨 波、刘青明 | Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference |
133 | 江苏淤泥质潮滩及近岸沙洲的稳定性判别 | 陈 君 | 水利经济 |
134 | 长江口整治工程对分水分沙年际变化的影响分析 | 杨 婷、陶建峰、张长宽、刘桂平 | 人民长江 |
135 | 整治工程后长江口南北槽的分流分沙季节特征 | 杨 婷、陶建峰、刘桂平、张长宽 | 河海大学学报 |
136 | Simulation of Wave-Maritime Structure Interactions by Using a Numerical Wave Flume | 蒋 勤、张长宽 | Advanced Materials Research |
137 | Study on Coastal Environment Impact Assessment Method for Shore Protection Facilities | 蒋 勤、Fukuhama, Masaya、 张长宽 | The 1st International conference on Civil Engineering and Civil Management |
138 | 大型油轮水流力试验研究 | 李叶兴、陈国平、严士常、林在彬 | 水运工程 |
139 | A Study on Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Shore Protection Facilities at | 蒋 勤、张长宽、 | 2012 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering |
140 | 透空式上部结构对开孔沉箱消浪性能影响的试验研究 | 周松泽、胡闰春、陈国平、严士常; | 水运工程 |
141 | Water and Suspended sediment flux in major tidal channels of the radial sand ridges in | 黄惠明、王义刚 | CG JOINT 2012 |
142 | 桩基-重力式复合结构码头的有限元分析 | 卢生军、陈国平、严士常 | 水运工程 |
143 | 江苏沿海辐射沙脊群泥沙过程及输运模拟 | 黄惠明、刘桂平、 王义刚、 饶文波 | 水利经济 |
144 | 新型围垦堤防设防标准与设计方法研究 | 张发明、龚 政、陈国平、张继勋、 | 水利经济 |
145 | Research on soil deformation due to pile jacking in Saturated Soil | 王瑞彩、施建勇、 Ning Zhu | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
146 | Application of equivalent resistance to simplification of | 唐 磊、张 玮、谢明晓、余 珍 | Water Science and Engineering |
147 | Quantificational Method for analyzing the formation of Fluid Mud on Muddy coast | 唐 磊、张 玮、谢明晓、余 珍、Yang Fan. | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
148 | 螺纹桩负摩阻力计算方法 | 李家华、窦德功、鲁子爱 | 科学技术与工程 |
149 | AHP-based Fuzzy Evaluation System of Municipal | 张珏等 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
150 | Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Berthing Pier Based on P-Y Curves | 苏静波等 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
151 | Study on the System Optimization Method for upporting Structure of Urban Tunnel | 李 昂、苏静波等 | Applied Mechanics and Materials |
152 | 基于MIDAS-GTS的岩锚吊车梁施工运行期非线性计算分析方法研究 | 苏静波等 | 防灾减灾工程学报 |
153 | Wind-Wave Numerical Prediction Model in | 潘锡山、李瑞杰、Yang Li、 | Advanced Materials Research, |
154 | 吸附质污染物输运研究 | 陆莎莎、李瑞杰、盛建明、郑 俊 | 海洋环境科学 |
155 | 近岸海域流速与含沙量垂线分布分析 | 李瑞杰、丰 青、郑 俊、江森汇 | 海洋通报 |
156 | 基于含沙紊动水流掺混长度的含沙量垂线分布研究 | 丰 青、李瑞杰,江森汇、郑 俊 | 河海大学学报(自然科学版) |
157 | 垂向悬沙扩散与近岸挟沙力理论研究 | 李瑞杰、董德信、郑 俊、张伟一、 | |
158 | 疏浚抛泥工程引起的悬沙增量变化分析 | 周华民、李瑞杰、苗振清、倪勇强 | 泥沙研究 |
159 | Wave calculations for Linggang Maritime Engineering Base in | 郑金海 | The Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries |
160 | Large scale reclamation and development off Jiangsu Coasts: opportunities and challenges | 郑金海 | The Proceedings of the 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering |
161 | 引调水对南京市秦淮河水系水质改善效果计算与分 | 童朝锋 | 城镇供水 |
162 | 麻省理工学院“海洋动力学”与河海大学“海岸动力学”课程教学过程对比 | 陶爱峰 | 河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版) |
163 | Observational Study of Morphodynamics of | 季小梅 | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts |
164 | 以学科竞赛为契机提升制图教学创新能力 | 钟春欣 | 河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)增刊 |
165 | Riverbed evolution of Chengtong Reach at Yangtze Estuary | 姜宁林、陈永平 | Proceedings of 21st International Society of Offshore(ocen) and Polar Engineering(ISOPE)Conference |
166 | 海岸动力环境下射流运动研究综述 | 徐振山、陈永平 | 水科学进展 |
167 | 东中国海波浪分布特征研究 | 谢冬梅、陈永平 | 水运工程 |
168 | Response of a porous seabed to water waves over permeable submerged breakwaters with Bragg reflection | 张继生、郑东生、Philips L.-F. Liu、张 弛、张 宇 | Ocean Engineering |
169 | A simple and effective model of saline intrusion in the Modaomen estuary, the Pearl River | 诸裕良、闫晓璐、林晓瑜 | Advance in Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, 2012 |
170 | The salt flux in the Pearl River | 诸裕良、危小艳 、许陈澄 | The ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering |
171 | Impacts of waterway regulation engineering on saltwater intrusion in the Modaomen Estuary | 诸裕良、许陈澄、危小艳 | The ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering |
172 | 珠江口枯季盐通量数值模拟研究 | 危小艳、诸裕良、张 蔚、孙世伟 | 热带地理 |
173 | 珠江三角洲平面二维盐水入侵数值模型研究 | 孙世伟、诸裕良、张 蔚、危小艳 | 水运工程 |